Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Morphological Operations

In morphological operations, we were introduced with the erode and dilate operators.
Dilation expands the object relative to a structuring element, while erosion shrinks it.

A sample dilation is when a 5x5 ones is dilated by a structuring element of 1x2, my predicted dilation is shown below

Predicted dilation is a 6x5 pixel of ones.

Dilation from scilab is a 5x5 of ones(let black be ones)

On the other hand, the erosion of the same image and structuring element is shown below:

Predicted erosion

Simulated erosion

It is seen here that the simulations maintain the size of the main image. whatever information thereis after the size of the image is ommitted just as what happened in the sample dilation. All other erosion and dilation exhibit this.

Skel and Thin

Given an image R,

Image R

When subjected to the skel function, it looked like this:
Image R subjected to skel().

When the image R is subjected to thinning, it looked below:

Image R subjected to thin()

Their difference is that the skel leaves a skeleton like framework in the image while thin is done by border deletion. No framework is considered thus, resulting images are just several white dots indistinguishable to the root image.

This is a very tedious activity. Coding made several error that were worked upon. I'd give myself 9/10 for this activity.

Thanks to Maam Jing's very helpful handouts. Thanks to my roomates in enlightening me further in this concept. And of course scilab help. Credits for the R image goes to scilab help.

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